This article is the fourth part of our guide about Candida overgrowth, and how to deal with it. This is the most practical part, containing a lot of actionable advice, with dietary directions and a list of supplements that can help you in your fight against it.
Chapter 4: Many Ways to Kill Candida – Diet and Antifungals
Natural Treatments for Candida
We are not going to discuss allopathic treatments for candidiasis; it is not the object of this booklet. I will just mention that there is compelling evidence that intestinal candidiasis can cause serious health problems, with disabling gastrointestinal problems. Despite the evidence the modern medicine does not have clear guidelines for this condition. Conventional medicine sometimes is less successful at treating some forms of candidiasis, where home remedies succeed.
Dietary Changes to Restrict Candida Growth
In the battle against Candida overgrowth, dietary adjustments play a pivotal role. This section will explore how specific changes in your diet can significantly restrict Candida’s ability to thrive. Diet is probably as important as antifungals in managing and preventing the fungus. We’ll also explain why hydration is critical, and the importance of eliminating certainfoods, and how to shift you diet from a carbohydrates based diet to a fat based diet in a healthy manner. We’ll lso show how incorporating certain foods can create an inhospitable environment for Candida.
Drink More Water
Drinking enough water may seem like such simple task we shouldn’t have to mention it, right? Wrong! Many people stay so busy they simply forget to drink water or they don’t take the time. Remember this, by the time you are thirsty, you are dehydrated. Water helps you flush Candida, when you are detoxing, so you need to drink plenty. Water won’t kill the fungus, but will help your body rid of the toxins.
Go on a Candida Diet
For a period of at least six weeks, cut out ALL sugar and ALL alcohol in your diet. Most people who have Candida infections crave sugar, but every time they eat sugar, the Candida populations get stronger.
Unfortunately, this is not as simple as eliminating all sugar. When you eliminate all of the carbs in your diet, you will starve the fungus. As the fungus starves it will turn into its hyphal form to survive. If you eat just a little carbs, you feed candida just enought to not force it to turn into its hyphal mode, which is the hardest to kill.
Eat all the raw and cooked dark leafy greens you want. For lunch, eat lots of salads. You can continue to eat meat but limit your portion size to five ounces or less to ensure you keep your body in the alkaline state. Stir-fry and soups are great options for a Candida diet because you can put in a lot of greens, other vegetables, and a little meat for flavor.
Cook your stir-fry in unrefined coconut oil as it has strong anti-fungal properties and is healthier than most other vegetable/seed oils like canola.
Eliminate all soda pop, even sugar free soda. Cut way back on coffee.
Cut the amount of carbs in your diet as they feed Candida. Your macronutrient ratio should be close to a keto diet, for a period of time. But remember, you still need some carbs in order to prevent turning Candida into hyphal mode. There is also a herbal supplement that will help with that, will get to it in a moment.
Most popular ketogenic resources suggest a macronutrient ratio of 80% fat from total daily calories, 10% carbohydrate, and 10% protein. You could probably get around 25% carbs, up to 30%. But the Standard American Diet consists of 50% carbs from the total daily calories. S.A.D. is not a good diet for Candida.
Probiotic Foods (Fermented Foods)
Look for naturally fermented and lacto-fermented probiotic vegetables like kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, okra, kale, carrots, etc. Note: do not buy the versions that have been soured with vinegar as they have no probiotic benefit. The sour taste should come from the fermentation process of the living probiotics! If you can’t find a source to buy them, you can make them yourself. Here is our guide to fermenting foods.
Miso, beans fermented with probiotic organisms, is another excellent probiotic food which you can usually find in Asian markets or natural food stores. You can use this as the stock for adding greens and other vegetables.
Cultured dairy products like yogurt, kefir, cultured sour cream, and buttermilk are OK after you kill Candida.
Remember: heat kills probiotics. Eat your probiotic foods without cooking them.
Natural Antifungals to Kill Candida
Pau d’Arco Tea (Lapachol)
Pau d’Arco is derived from the inner bark of the red lapacho tree, native to Argentina. The chemistry of this bark has powerful anti-Candida properties. You can find pau d’arco tea in most health food stores, many natural food stores, and some supermarkets. Drinking this tea can help prevent Candida infections, and if you catch a Candida infection early, this tea can help prevent it from becoming worse.
Cinnamon is another powerful anti-fungal food derived from bark that helps to stamp out Candida infections. Sprinkle it on your oatmeal and add it to your savory sauces. Cinnamon sticks also make an excellent accent to almost any cup of herbal tea or coffee, giving a naturally sweet flavor with raising your blood sugar!
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil is amazing at keeping thrush at bay! Pure oregano oil is too strong to put in your mouth but you can find bottles of it diluted with olive oil or other oils. Simply apply a drop or two to your toothpaste before you brush or rinse your mouth with a few drops after you brush. It is safe to swallow small amounts of oregano oil too and this will even help with an overgrowth of Candida in your gut. Oregano oil can also be applied to the skin but if you apply it to the vagina or penis, be sure to dilute it a lot and test a small spot before you apply it all over. Otherwise, you could burn these sensitive areas. A mild burning sensation from oregano oil will not harm you.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid, which are all effective against Candida. Just use raw coconut oil when you cook.
There are a few research studies on ginger’s antifungal properties, and there is evidence that ginger is a great natural antifungal. Here is a link to an article, for those who like to delve deeper. Include ginger in your dietary habits, or just take a capsule as a supplement.
Garlic is probably one of the best antifungals. It works on a broad range of microbes, and it has a double effect. There is some reluctance to the efficacy of garlic as an antifungal in the scientific world, however, this study proves that garlic works as an antifungal. Why garlic works so great when eaten, is because the antifungal component, combined with the prebiotic component. On one hand garlic kills Candida, on the other hand promotes good bacteria by feeding it oligosaccharides.
Caprylic Acid
Caprylic acid is fatty acid present in coconut, butter and other fats. It is not fully understood how caprylic acid works to kill yeast, but we know it works. Here is a research paper regarding caprylic acid and Candida. Its healthy properties extend far beyond the antifungal action, and it is synergistic with other anti-Candida remedies. If you don’t regularly eat pure coconut oil, you can get caprylic acid from a supplement. Here is a good one.
Undecylenic Acid
Undecylenic acid, (10-undecenoic acid), is a known antifungal, and it is more powerful than caprylic acid. It is widely used in the supplement industry, the best is the pure fatty acid, and not the salt form that it is often found on the market. Thorne research has a great product with pure undecenoic acid in an olive oil base. Here is a link to it.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is renowned for its health benefits, including antifungal properties. To help manage Candida, mix one to two tablespoons in a glass of water and drink this mixture once or twice a day before meals. The acidic nature of the vinegar helps to balance the body’s pH and discourages yeast growth. It discourages other pathogens as well.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract is a potent antimicrobial that can be taken internally to fight Candida. Available in capsule or liquid concentrate, it is recommended to follow the dosage instructions on the product label carefully to avoid any potential digestive upset.
Berberine is found in herbs such as goldenseal and barberry. This compound is effective against fungal infections, including Candida, due to its ability to disrupt the function of microbial cells. It’s typically taken in capsule form, with dosage varying depending on the specific supplement’s strength and purity. There is scientific evidence that berberine can be effective in Fluconazole resistant Candida infections. In another study in vitro, Fluconazole combined with Berberine demostrated synergism.
Other natural antifungals are: aloe vera, black walnut, cloves, goldenseal, Oregon grape, olive leaf extract, turmeric.
Fasting and Candida Infections: The Role of Autophagy
Fasting has been explored as a method to combat Candida infections through the process of autophagy. Autophagy, a natural regulatory mechanism of the body, involves the degradation and recycling of cellular components and plays a crucial role in removing pathogens and dysfunctional proteins. When the body is in a fasting state, autophagy increases, potentially enhancing the body’s ability to clear out Candida and other pathogens.
Recommended Fasting Time: Intermittent fasting, particularly periods ranging from 16-24 hours, has been suggested to be effective in promoting autophagy. This approach allows the body sufficient time to initiate and conduct autophagy without the stress of prolonged nutrient deprivation.
It’s important to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any fasting regimen, especially for individuals with health concerns or those who are taking medications.
For more detailed information on how fasting influences autophagy and Candida management, here are a couple of references:
These resources can provide further insights and guidance on the relationship between fasting, autophagy, and health.
Gymnema Sylvestre A Peculiar Supplement
Gymnema Sylvestre, traditionally known for its anti-diabetic properties, also plays a different role in managing Candida infections. The herb’s ability to reduce sugar absorption in the body helps lower blood glucose levels, which can be beneficial since Candida thrives on sugar.
However, the most interesting aspect is the fact that Gymnema can prevent the transition of Candida albicans from a treatable yeast form to a difficult-to-treat hyphal form. But even more interesting, gymnemic acids can also convert Candida albicans biofilm, which is resistant to antifungals, back to treatable yeast cells.
Make sure you have this ready when you start your Candida diet.