Elderflower Drink Recipes – Elderflower Lemonade, Cordial, and Champagne Recipes

elder flower fermented drink

Elderflower Drinks The flowers of the elder tree are great for making beverages, alcoholic or nonalcoholic. Elderflower beverages have a unique taste and flavour, and are very appreciated by anyone who tried them. There are a few great elderflower drink recipes, internationally known, that tastes great, are easy to make, and they are all natural … Read more

How to Improve Your Gut Microbiome

infographic - the human gut microbiota

The gut microbiome is a complex community of bacteria that lives in the gastrointestinal tract. The gut microbiome is composed of trillions of microorganisms and is considered the “body’s virtual organ” given its importance in maintaining our health. Disruptions in the gut microbiome are also called “dysbiosis” and have been associated with many conditions, including … Read more

How to Start Intermittent Fasting – 5 Intermittent Fasting Schedules

Empty Plate - Intermittent Fasting

Does Fasting Have Any Effect on Our Microbiome? Why an article on intermittent fasting, you might ask. If you followed our website, you might know that our topics focus on the human microbiome, fermented foods, probiotics, and relates these to human health.  You might be wondering what intermittent fasting has to do with microbiota? Well, … Read more

How To Make Probiotic Milk – Make Kefir and Yogurt at Home


Making probiotic milk at home is very easy if you can get the proper milk. The proper milk is the one that can actually nourish bacteria, so a culture can properly develop. This can be raw milk, or pasteurized milk, but not the ultra pasteurized one, or the UHT. In other words, any milk that … Read more

Sea Buckthorn Berries – Sea Buckthorn Health Benefits

Making Sea Buckthorn Berries Juice

What Is Sea Buckthorn The health benefits of sea buckthorn are so important, and so diverse, that sometimes it is compared to Ginseng. The tiny orange berry, with a strong sour taste is nothing short of a nature’s miracle. North America is catching up with information that in Asia and Europe is common knowledge. In … Read more

Acid Reflux Home Remedies – Probiotics for Acid Reflux


Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net Acid reflux is one of the most common health problems, affecting around 10 to 20 percent of the population. What makes it hard to treat is that it can be caused by various underlying issues. Although the symptoms are the same, the cause can be totally different, and consequently the treatment … Read more

Prebiotics vs Probiotics – Differences and Definition

ACV - in Mason Jar

Difference Between Prebiotics and Probiotics Probiotics are microorganisms in a symbiotic relationship with humans, and prebiotics are the food for the microorganisms. In order to benefit from probiotics, (the good microbacterial flora), we need to nourish them, to allow the proper growth of their colony; without the proper food the micro flora would just starve … Read more

Lactobacillus Gasseri – A Miracle Probiotic

Lactobacillus Gasseri

Lactobacillus gasseri is probably one of the most beneficial probiotics discovered. It is also one of the safest probiotics, as the vast majority of the probiotics from the Lactobacillus genus.  Lactobacillus gasseri is very effective, and it can be used as a single strain in probiotic supplements, and it is also found in many probiotic … Read more

Probiotics for Weight Loss – The Weight Loss Miracle Pill

Slim vs Overweight

We ­searched for the elusive miracle pill for weight loss for decades, more precisely since the industrialization of food. We looked for it, but we might have had it all along and overlooked. Probiotics are the answer to many of our modern health issues, and weight loss is one of them. Studies have shown taking … Read more

NOW Foods Probiotic-10 25 Billion – Probiotic Supplement

Now Foods Probiotic Supplement

Now Foods Probiotic-10 25 billion is one of the best rated probiotic supplements on Amazon. It’ no wonder, since the company had other big success products on the market. They are not innovators in the field, but their products are very successful. How that does happen? What causes their great success on the supplements market? … Read more

Oral Probiotics – Dental Probiotics

Dental Work

North America is one of the places with the best dental healthcare in the world. The society provides a great dental hygiene education, and dental services. Yes, it is more expensive than most other countries, but you get great services, and the system encourages regular checkups for most of the population. My dental health is … Read more

Hyperbiotics Pro-Dental – Oral and Dental Probiotics

bottle with probiotics supplement

UPDATE: Hyperbiotics changed the formula of their dental probiotic supplement, which was initially based on the two scientifically reviewed BLIS strains BLIS K12 and BLIS M18.  The review below is then outdated, as I personally trust the older formula which had scientific backing. Hyperbiotics, the company, is relatively new on the probiotics supplements market, but … Read more

Top 10 Rated Probiotics

Top 10 Rated Probiotics

Top Rated Probiotic There is extensive research on probiotics, and their health benefits, however, the research is just scratching the surface, with a lot of aspects to be studied and understood. Even for the available information, there is little vulgarization of this, and too many physicians that don’t even prescribe them. This page proposes to … Read more

Resistant Starch – The Surprising Prebiotic


Prebiotics vs Probiotics What Is the Best Approach? Maintaining a healthy intestinal microflora is one of the key components of a good preventive care program. In fact, even treating some conditions can be achieved by restoring the beneficial gut bacteria. Most probiotic treatments don’t even target restoring the gut bacteria; they just use the microorganisms … Read more

VSL #3 vs Align – Best probiotic Supplements for IBS


VSL #3 and Align are probiotic supplements designed to treat IBS, and other gastrointestinal problems. Although they are both very efficient, and they both have great reviews from buyers, they are different. They both have enough research to prove its efficiency, and they both come with some side effects. If you are looking for a … Read more

Prebiotic Supplements – Soluble Fiber, Resistant Starch, Beta-Glucan

Fibre Foods

Prebiotics are the best way to get your gut bacteria working properly. There are a lot of food options to get enough prebiotics from your daily diet routine, however, sometimes the lifestyle, or other reasons will make it impossible to have a proper diet; this especially true for those with strict dietary plans. The alternative … Read more

VSL #3 Review – One of the Best Probiotic Supplements

VSL#3 Probiotic Medical Food Sackets

VSL #3 was designed specifically to help IBS, IBD, and Ulcerative Colitis sufferers. The probiotic supplement is one of the most efficient ones on the market, and it works not only for GI related conditions, but for many other inflammation related disorders. Is VSL #3 Efficient? First of all, when we compare probiotics, we need … Read more

Hyperbiotics PRO-15 – A Great Probiotic Supplement

Hyperbiotics Pro-15 Bottle

I am very reluctant to products overly marketed in any way. Names with prefixes like hyper, super, the best, or the perfect will throw me off. So that was my state of mind when I first learned about HyperBiotics Pro-15, The Perfect Probiotic. Like it wasn’t enough that the named it Hyperbiotics, they also had … Read more

Probiotics – Bad Breath Treatment

Young man holding his breath

Bad breath can be caused by many causes, but very often it is caused by a bacterial imbalance in your mouth. A bacterial infection will cause an abnormal growth of a particular bacteria, or yeast, and it will cause bad breath, and sometimes, plaque deposits that cannot be managed with regular oral hygiene. An oral … Read more

Fermented Wheat Bran – Romanian Borş

Borsh in Mason Jar Photo by Lubita Iancu

Borș is a sour fermented juice obtained by fermenting wheat bran. Borș is traditionally used by Romanians to prepare their sour soups, (named either ciorbă, or less frequent borș), or they just drink it plain. Borș is pronounced “borsh“, and it might derive from the Ukrainian борщ, (borscht), although the fermented juice recipe is traditionally prepared in Romania … Read more

Fermented Foods Health Benefits

Sour Pickles - Fermented Vegetables

The Benefits of Unpasteurized Fermented Foods There are many health benefits from eating fermented foods, and historically, fermented foods have been known since the antiquity. There is a lot of scientific evidence that eating fermented foods benefits our health on a long and short term. There is almost no restriction to the age that fermented foods … Read more

Florastor vs Align – Which Probiotic Supplement Is Better?

Align vs Florastor

IBS sufferers are most often recommended Florastor, or Align, and both of the probiotic supplements work wonders for most of the patients. Probiotic supplements are sold over the counter, and many people just buy them and start taking them. However, it is important to understand how the two probiotic work and what are the benefits … Read more

Sweetening Water Kefir with Xylitol and Stevia

Xylitol Jar

Sweetening your water kefir with xylitol might seem like a great idea, especially for people with blood sugar issues, but you might reconsider if you have all the facts about this sugar replacement. When I first hear about it, I was very excited to use a low calorie, low glycemic index sugar replacement. I bought … Read more

How To Flavor Water Kefir – Second Fermentation Tips

Water Kefir Soda in mason jar

Water kefir soda is delicious as it is, and it is healthy, but flavored water kefir is even better because has more nutrients, and it tastes even better. We can use various fruits or fruit juices to flavor it, but we can even use certain aromatherapy plants, or even some therapeutic herbs. We can use the … Read more

How To Make and Grow Water Kefir Grains

Tibicos, (water kefir grains), in a strainer

Growing your own water kefir grains is not difficult, if you are careful, and you tend them properly you can make huge quantities of tibicos, the water kefir grains. You need a few tibicos as a starter, quality water, sugar, and some various fruits. To improve the process, you may also add minerals to your … Read more

List of Probiotic Supplements

Probiotic supplements capsules

How To Choose the Probiotic Supplements Probiotic supplements are one of the safest, and more convenient way to boost your intestinal microflora count. There is a wide range of probiotics, and choosing the right one might prove a little overwhelming. Which one to buy, which one is the most effective, which one is the easiest … Read more