NOW Foods Probiotic-10 25 Billion – Probiotic Supplement

Now Foods Probiotic Supplement

Now Foods Probiotic-10 25 billion is one of the best rated probiotic supplements on Amazon. It’ no wonder, since the company had other big success products on the market. They are not innovators in the field, but their products are very successful. How that does happen? What causes their great success on the supplements market? … Read more

G-U-M Periobalance – Dental Probiotics

GUM Periobalance is the only North American product containing Prodentis. Prodentis is a probiotic developed by BioGaia, a Swedish health care company focusing on biotechnology. Sunstar G-U-M Periobalance contains two strains: Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC PTA 5289 (trademarked as Lactobacillus reuteri Prodentis). The two strains are specifically selected to strengthen gums, … Read more

ProBiora Probiotic Mints by Oragenics

ProBiora is a probiotic supplement to improve oral health. ProBiora is based on a probiotic blend of three strains for your oral health. It contains freeze dried bacteria, that are in a dormant state, and that will activate once they come in contact with our saliva. The blend is formulated with Streptococcus uberis (S. uberis KJ2), … Read more